How To Write A Professional Resignation Letter

Estimated reading time: 9 minutes

A professional resignation letter, or an exit letter, can be intimidating if you haven’t had to create one.

Mrs. CBB and I wrote a simple resignation letter to our employer years ago when we left our careers.

The art of writing a good resignation letter is part of the transition you will make and lasting impressions.

Leaving out the wrong door doesn’t give you options for future dealings if you need them.

For those of you retiring it’s also appropriate to write a resignation retirement letter to your employer.

When you’ve been employed with the same company for years and retire, they may even throw you a retirement party.

Then again, some of you might want to run out the door and never look back.

See you, suckers!

Today, I want to discuss the professional resignation letter and offer a sample two-week notice template that can be edited and printed.

So sit back and read just how easy it is writing your notice of good-bye.

professional resignation letter sample
How to write a professional resignation letter.

Professional Resignation Letter Purposes

Why would you need a professional resignation letter?

As I mentioned above, leaving on good terms is the best way to leave an employer.

What do you say when you hand in your resignation letter?

You approach HR or your boss and tell him/her you have a letter of resignation that you would like to hand in. Pretty simple, huh?

If you’re worried about handing in your notice, practice in front of a mirror or with a friend. ‘=

Should you write a resignation letter after only one month?

Sure, you should because your employer counts on you to fill a spot at work, and it gives them time to hire a new employee.

Some of the reasons someone might want to hand in a resignation letter:

  • New Career Opportunity
  • Not Getting Along With Colleagues
  • Moving To A New City
  • Personal Reasons (Health decline as an example)
  • You No Longer Enjoy The Career
  • Retirement

I’m sure there are other reasons, but whatever the case, it’s an excellent start to draft and hand in an exit notice.

Another thing I want to point out is that waiting until Friday morning is probably a better day to hand it in.

People are chipper at work in the morning because of breakfast, coffee, or exercise.

By the end of the day, they need a Snickers Bar, and you don’t want to cross anyone’s path.

How I Told My UK Employers I Was Resigning

In the UK, I had to write two resignation letters, one being when I sold my house and moved to my parents in another city.

Since I was still trying to earn money before I received my permanent resident’s card for Canada, I worked on a truck.

I was the guy who loaded and unloaded transport trucks at various stops in the UK.

We drove everywhere, and since I didn’t have a licence to drive a truck, I was always the side-kick.

Although they knew I was moving to Canada to be with my wife, they only asked me for two weeks’ notice.

I thought that was fair since I would likely only be with the company for a few months.

My resignation letter was simple but professional, with a big thanks for allowing me to work and earn money before my big move.

Moving To Canada After Handing In My Notice

My permanent resident’s package arrived while Mrs. CBB visited me in the UK.

Not only did I have my wife with me, but I got the go-ahead to pack and move to Canada.

You can bet there was lots of cheering and happiness that day in my parents kitchen.

I was fortunate to have the support of both my parents to follow my dreams.

However, the transition of moving to a new country is massive, and indeed planning is essential.

I believe I had been given a time limit from the Canadian government to cross over, but I forget off the top of my head.

If I was to guess, it was in the realm of 3-4 months, but don’t take my word for it.

Either way I was prepared because there wasn’t much to do after selling my house.

Living with your parents at 29 years old after owning a home at 19 and a second at 21 was weird.

Nonetheless, it was a great help from my parents, and I paid them rent like my sister.

When I started the job as a truck loader and unloader, I had to move to my sister’s house.

They had a spare room, and my brother-in-law gave me a ride to work.

The extra cash helped them as they relied on one income to keep their house going.

I had an ancient computer from the early 90’s and no printer in my room.

Types Of Professional Resignation Letter Formats

My professional resignation letter turned into a resignation email, but I decided I shouldn’t.

If I resigned via email, I felt that it wouldn’t feel proper etiquette, although that may differ today.

Since lots of employees are working from home especially during Covid-19, you have some appropriate professional resignation letter submission options:

  • Submit a resignation letter via email
  • Handwrite a resignation letter and mail it to your employer
  • Type and print a resignation letter and mail it to your employer
  • Either type or handwrite a resignation letter and deliver it to your employer
  • Call your employer to resign over the phone or leave a message

If you’re like me and mostly working from home and only go into the office once or twice a week, that is the time to bring your resignation letter.

With my employer, if we are not working that day, we aren’t allowed in the facility, and security is strict.

You also don’t want to give security your resignation letter to your boss.

The good thing is that a resignation letter doesn’t have to be complicated.

Your boss doesn’t need to read a massive letter about your dedication to the role.

However, if you plan on using your employer for a reference to apply for future jobs, you may want to put some effort into it.

If you’re in a professional role, you must write a formal resignation letter with two weeks notice.

As the rule of thumb, giving your employer two weeks notice that you are leaving so they can hire someone new is appropriate.

You can also offer to help train the new employee before you leave, especially if you want to leave with a lasting impression.

Some of you may want nothing to do with your employer and can’t wait to get out.

Others just quit on the spot without notice and don’t plan on any form of resignation letter.

So, it boils down to your relationship with your employer and how you exit your role.

What Is A Notice Of Resignation

A notice of resignation tells your employer that you are moving on from the company.

As I mentioned above, the typical time frame is a two-week resignation letter notice.

You don’t need to tell your employer where you are going or your plans unless you are retiring.

Some of you might want to disclose this information, and that’s fine too.

I would also take the time to talk to your employer and the Human Resources departments about being a referral for you.

It’s always nice to give your employer a heads up if you are using them so the know.

Writing A Good Resignation Letter

When you write a letter, treat it like a sandwich with the top, middle and bottom.

If you are in a profession with an association, you will want to write or type a professional resignation letter.

This type of resignation letter will let the employer know you are leaving the company and on what date.

Honestly, a resignation letter does not need to be a document, and I feel that the sample below is perfect for everyone and can be modified.

It’s all about the sandwich’s meat that counts, but don’t forget the bread.

I believe this is the type of resignation letter where you can add your emotions about the company.

Take the time to leave positive feedback about your time with the company and perhaps why you are moving on.

You can also squeeze in possible future collaborations if your new role is in the same field.

For example, if you work for a magazine doing photography and move on to photography marketing for media, perhaps you can help each other.

Always try to offer help with the transition of the new employee they hire before you go.

Than your employer for allowing you to work with their company, office or facility.

You do not need to disclose anything about your new employer unless you do it by the water fountain.

Lastly, always spell-check your resignation letter and never trust auto-correct.

We’ve all done it, and errors happen, but a second read-over will help or run it through Grammarly.

http://Instant Spelling And Grammar Checker

Professional Resignation Letter Sample

Below is a simple resignation letter that is both formal and professional.

Please keep it simple but add some emotion into to allow the company to know how your time with them has added to your resume or knowledge base.

For example, having the opportunity to work with some of the greatest scientists in the world has greatly advanced my knowledge about rocks.

I’ll add the pdf link to my Free Downloads page, so all you have to do is fill in the information and print it.

Include an envelope with your resignation letter and address it to whomever your boss is.

Some companies prefer that you give your resignation right to the Human Resources department, so if you’re unsure, touch base with them.

Free & Quick Proofreading from Grammarly!

Sample Professional Resignation Letter

Your Name

Street Address

City, Postal Code


Recipient Name


Organization Name

Street Address

City, Postal Code

Dear Employer or Bosses Name:

Please accept this letter as my formal resignation from (Your Position) at (Company Name) for two weeks (Enter last day of work).

During my time working at (Company Name) I was fortunate to have the opportunity to work with people who encouraged and challenged me. I gained the knowledge from my colleagues, which will assist me in my new role.

I am grateful for having the time to work with (add company) for (enter months/years, and I offer my best wishes for its continued success.


Your Name

Title (Your Position)

Scroll down to Free Sample Letters to download, edit and print this professional resignation letter.

Discussion: What do you feel a good resignation letter should entail?

Please leave me your comments below and any tips for someone looking to write a professional resignation letter to their employer.

I’d love to hear from managers, owners, and human resource professionals.


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