My Canadian Neighbour Paid Me To Walk My Dog ~ So Thanks!
When I started this blog I thought if I ever did any advertising I would be thrilled to make enough money for a case of beer a month. I don’t drink often but in the hot summer I don’t mind a cold one or 2 out on the deck with me mates.
Although I love budgeting, quitting me day job to sit with you on a full-time basis is not yet a reality … although I’m optimistic. Everyone knows Mr.CBB is a frugal young man who loves to save his pennies where he can. If that means picking one up off the ground, ya damn right I will. Money is money even when it’s free money and every penny counts.
Last autumn we took a drive up to the local park where campers spent some of their summer. We were able to wander in free of charge as the sun was put away for another year. While walking round I poked my head in a bin. To my surprise I saw… yep you guessed it, “beer cans” and lots of them.
I normally keep a plastic bag in my truck so what began as a stroll in the park turned into “I wonder if I can get enough can’s to cover the cost of a case of beer” ha! You’re laughing I know but you won’t be when I tell you after one hour checking (every single bin in the joint) we managed to find enough cans to get 1 case of beer! That’s right folks 1 free 24 of BEER!
Now I”m not saying everyone should pop there head in bins looking for beer cans (unless you want to) but if it’s staring at you, grab it. Although I wish I could go back once a week this was only a one time affair as the season was over like I mentioned earlier.
So what’s a man to do…..
I truly, could not believe how much Canadians throw away in the garbage, especially money. I even found some wine bottles as well… you know you get money back for them too right?
Since buying our first home in Canada we have been walking the dog around the block 2 times per day once in the morning and once in the evening. The wife an avid couponer (I assist) was always keeping an eye out for freebies in our neighbours bins.
Once I started to pay more attention I started to notice…
You guessed it…
BEER CANS! lots of beer cans…. I thought my neighbours must be loaded (rich) to be able to toss them out! Who throws money away? I mean if you drink them you must go back to get more, so why are you tossing money in the bin?
Note** It may be a by-law in some cities that people are not permitted to take from bins put out to the curb. If it is a by-law you simply could ask your neighbour if you can have what’s in their bin. Call your local City as not all cities/towns have a by-law depending on where you live.
I’ve chalked it up to
1-Simply being lazy
2-The wife can’t stand finding the cans all over the house she just tosses them in the bin
3-Too drunk to organize them for return?
Yesterday for example I found a bin jam packed with cans and I mean jammed (though not all cans o’ booze). I wasn’t sure that my bags would hold them all but they did.
I ended up with 21 beer cans and 2 wine bottles from one house! That’s $2.50 of free beer for me or money in my budget!
You can see from the picture above those are most of the cans I simply collected from a blue bin at my neighbours house while walking the dog. So I just wanted to write this and say, Thank-you to my neighbour for paying me to walk my dog!
You all make me so happy! 🙂
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Copyright Picture- If you would like to use it contact Mr.CBB.