What Women Want In A Man And It’s Not Often Money
YoUr eYes, sMiLe, And The Way You Make Me Feel Is Why I Love You
Have you ever met a couple and thought, “why is he with her?” or “why is she with him?”
It must be money.
Some people believe that at some point we have to buckle down and decide what we want from life in the love department.
For those of you who just want to live life and treat people with kindness you will understand when I say, Who really cares.
Love Is Love And Money Is Money = Imagine That
Frankly, I don’t care why other people want to date each other, to each their own.
Remember that movie, “What Women Want” in 2008 starring Helen Hunt and Mel Gibson?
Yes, Mrs. CBB had me watch it along with every Twilight movie going. Did I mention I was a fan of the Young and The Restless, all her doing?
Well, it’s true women just don’t want men with a big bank account because money can be earned and saved.
You’re not supposed to be falling in love with fame, fortune, and who your name is associated with it.
Sadly, it happens all of the time whether it’s the girl and guy next door or the PR couples in Hollywood.
For some men and women who want to stay relevant they will continue to partner with fame and fortune but for others not so much.
Someone like myself for example who wants to live a simple life fell in love with a woman half-way across the world.
The I’m Going To Get It Done Relationship Guy
Women want more than just a hot body, money, and a man who can go all night in the bedroom.
They want a gentleman with brains who knows how to treat her right but also has goals in life and works towards them.
Have you ever met the guy who was going to do something but forgot and never got back to it? I have me. I confess that’s me sometimes.
I put too much on my plate and for some women who are uber-organized like my wife it bugs her and I don’t blame her.
That’s why over the years I’ve set the blog aside and work and put family first and making sure chores get completed.
Independent Women Are Everywhere
Money can be earned, that’s right and more women today are independent and don’t need cowboy money which is a whole new sexy.
Women bosses don’t need men to feed them, dress them, or put a roof over their heads because they’ve taken control of the wheel.
Whether women work from home, start a business, or a blog to earn extra cash they are taking advantage of stepping it up.
You will be surprised how many women find dating frugal men are sexy because they understand the point of financial independence.
Money Motivated Relationship
Being upfront about finance before a relationship gets serious is something I feel is important for every couple.
I know we all say that we fall in love for every other reason but money however there is an influence.
The influence falls somewhere between eating Kraft Dinner forever or someone willing to work on their financial health.
You can date a man or woman who has debt and willing to work on becoming debt-free or stick with the I’ll get to it guy or gal.
Money is high up the list of reltionship wreckers so there is no time to be shy when moving to the next level in a relationship.
Public Relations Relationships
If you chase someone just for money or status you will be disappointed when it falls apart.
Let me explain before you read any further that you don’t have to be a movie star or famous person.
A person may be rich in the city you live in and often in the news for various reasons.
There are men and women who will continue dating someone for the luxury but living a sad life.
As mentioned famous people do this all the time to help their public relations numbers jump into the millions.
It’s a way of showing the world what they have, who they are dating, and look how rich and noticeable when we are together.
They headline all the news and papparazzi follow them like flies just to get the first shot or the right shot.
Is there love? Who knows but if it’s PR, likely not.
Older Doesn’t Mean Richer Younger Doesn’t Mean Better
We know someone who moved to America in his 30’s to date a woman in her 50’s only because she had lots of money.
He has no love for her but wanted to live the no effort required life.
Besides that, he gets to say that she’s his girlfriend and ride in front seat of luxury.
Another person we know is in her 40’s dating men in their 60’s who pay for her botox and other procedures.
She hops from man to man and although we don’t judge her this is not uncommon for men and women.
Compatible Relationships
There’s a fine line between love and happiness and being cheap/frugal in the beginning stages based on compatibility.
I flew back and forth to Canada and brought my wife all over the UK and it cost me a pretty penny but it was worth it.
However, I wasn’t buying her jewellery, fancy clothes, namebrand perfumes, or taking her out for expensive dinners.
I was simply spending time with her doing something we both love and that’s being together.
If you live by the budget you should leave room for entertainment especially if you are single but more importantly if you’re married.
I’m aware that this is just impossible to do for some people but in time as bills get paid you’ll have a surplus.
It’s important to be yourself when dating so the other person knows what they are getting themselves into.
I also don’t think you need to take your date to MacDonald’s unless he/she really wants a Big Mac.
Ideally, if you’ve been talking for a while you’ll know what she likes to eat so just make reservations at a local restaurant.
Relationship Intentions
If men have no intention to want more from a woman then why do they bother dating them? Furthermore, they complain about how high maintenance they are and draining them of cash flow?
So, how do men get from point A (seeing a woman they are interested in) to point B (dating her)?
Well for the men that are shy they have their wing man but for those men that aren’t shy like me they go it alone like a prince calling for his lady (ya right but something like that).
It’s also common now for men and women to find love by trying on-line dating sites.
It’s easier to be yourself behind a screen while getting to know someone while costing you nothing until you ask her on a date.
People who say online dating services are rubbish make me laugh because if you think meeting someone in a bar is any different you are sadly mistaken.
Think about it. No matter where you meet someone they can be whoever they think you want them to be.
I’m no Hitch but I certainly feel like it sometimes as my friends can be real tossers in the dating department.
I guess I’m what they call a wing man but not by definition as I think it’s silly.
Money Never Wins At Love
Some men think money is the way to a woman’s heart and they are wrong unless they find women who are looking for men to spend.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder but it’s not only what’s on the outside it’s what’s in your heart that counts.
Somehow, many people tend to forget this and pay for it down the road with costly divorce battles.
So when my friends go on about the amount of money they spend on women who never come back I ask them these questions depending on the stage of the dating rigamarole…
- Do you want to be in a real relationship?
- What are your goals?
- What do you want from a woman?
- Are you happy where you are in your life and career?
- What were you attracted to when you noticed her?
- Did you offer to purchase her a beverage?
- Did you chat her up?
- Did you compliment her? Did you make her feel special?
- Were you romantic?
- Did you look her in the eyes or were you more interested in strawberry creams?
- Did you act clingy?
- Did you talk about your exes?
- Did you genuinely want to get to know her more or just shag her?
Be Yourself In A Relationship
Sometimes men can be right plonkers when it comes to women and dating but need to remember that who you claim to be should be who you really are.
We forget that it has to be more than just physical attractiveness that draws us to life long partners.
In all real men and women are very different and money in relationships is a big issue.
If you try to be someone you are not when you meet someone eventually the real you will come out.
Whether you are a saver or a spender eventually talking about it with a potential partner is very important.
You don’t need to be cheap when dating, just use your brains, and be creative.
Women only want to be loved and appreciated just like the next guy, after all, money can be made yet love is serendipity.
Discussion: When you and your spouse/partner were dating what did you really want?