How To Make Copycat Homemade Starbucks Drinks

Estimated reading time: 39 minutes

Discover a collection of budget-friendly homemade Starbucks drink recipes. Learn to make your favorite Starbucks drinks at home without breaking the bank.

Today, I will share a massive compilation of Starbucks drinks that you can make at home for a fraction of the cost.

Note: Click either the drink’s title or there will be a link under the photo that will bring you directly to the recipe.


Copycat Starbucks Drinks
How To Make Copycat Homemade Starbucks Drinks

Make your favorite Starbucks drinks at home without breaking the bank. Discover a compilation of homemade Starbucks drink recipes that are easy on your wallet.

Life Is Sweeter When You Can Make It Cheaper

Starbucks is a high-end fast food/drink restaurant with a large customer base.

While picking up some groceries the other day, we noticed the massive lineup at the Starbucks drive-thru.

My first thought was how many regular customers must spend a fortune at Starbucks.

I thought about searching for the best homemade Starbucks drinks on Pinterest for everyone.

Why not get busy in the kitchen, learn new recipes, and stop spending money at the drive-thru?

Related: Copycat Recipes That You Can Make At Home To Save Money

Frugal Living And Buying Coffee

Years ago, I discussed what an employee paid to buy daily coffee and lunch, and the results were shocking.

The report was based on visiting Tim Hortons, where coffee costs are cheaper than Starbucks.

Imagine spending $10 at Starbucks daily for the Trenta, a 31 oz massive coffee.

Brew Starbucks Coffee At Home

We buy bags of Starbucks coffee and brew it at home to make copycat versions of their popular drinks.

Below are some Starbucks coffee ideas, including tools and other options to help make your drinks as authentic as possible.

Saving Money Homemade Starbucks Drinks

Let’s do some quick math.

  • 10 x 5 working days a week x 52 weeks (I know there are holidays in there) = $2600 just on coffee.

Imagine investing that money in a Tax-Free Savings Account; how much would you save for retirement?

That figure is also if you have only 1 Starbucks a day, and perhaps you might even go when you are on holiday.

I was amazed at how much I could have spent and started making a coffee home.

Now, if I want a coffee, I use my allowance, and when that’s gone, I get nothing else.

If you’re one of those Starbucks star customers, do a little test and track your expenses for a month.

Perhaps you’re not surprised, meaning you can afford to spend all the money you want there.

50 Homemade Starbucks Drinks Recipes

Below, you will find 50 of the best homemade Starbucks drinks I found on Pinterest.

My favourites are the refresher drinks and the Strawberry Acai Pink Drink recipe.

If you notice, many of these easy DIY Starbucks drinks don’t rely on expensive products to make them.

Keeping a stocked pantry and lots of coffee might help motivate you to make many of these easy Starbucks drinks instead of going to the drive-thru.

Note: Click the title of each drink to go to the website, where you will find the full recipe.

Protein Starbucks Salted Caramel Cold Brew Proffee

Craving a Salted Caramel Cold Brew Proffee? Learn how to make it at home with this simple recipe inspired by Starbucks Cold Brew.

Secret Menu Starbucks Butterbeer Latte CopyCat

If you aren’t into making the secret menu of Starbucks Butterbeer Latte, here’s how you order it.

How to order a Starbucks Butterbeer Latte

  1. Start by ordering a Grande Latte (hot or iced)
  2. Ask for 2 pumps of toffee nut syrup.
  3. Ask for 2 pumps of caramel syrup.
  4. Ask for extra caramel drizzle.

Easy Starbucks Brown Sugar Oatmilk Shaken Espresso

Iced White Chocolate Mocha Recipe Starbucks

Yummy Caramel Apple Spice Copycat Drink


Starbucks Passion Tea Lemonade

Copycat Starbucks Drink Valencia Orange Refresher

Berry Good Starbucks Strawberry Acai Refresher

Pumpkin Cream Starbucks Cold Brew Recipe

Easy Starbucks Vanilla Sweet Cream Cold Brew

Copycat Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte

Pumpkin Spice Latte Recipe Starbucks
Pumpkin Spice Latte Recipe Starbucks

Starbucks Copycat Caramel Brulee Latte

Starbucks Copycat Recipe Caramel Brulee Latte
Pumpkin Spice Latte Recipe Starbucks

Copycat Starbucks Iced Matcha Latte

Starbucks Matcha Latte Recipe
Starbucks Matcha Latte Recipe

Starbucks Mango Dragonfruit Refresher

Mango Dragon fruit Starbucks Refresher Recipe
Mango Dragon fruit Starbucks Refresher Recipe

DIY Starbucks Iced Caramel Macchiato Copycat Recipe

Copycat Starbucks Matcha Espresso Fusion Recipe

Creamy Starbucks Vanilla Bean Frappuccino

Starbucks Copycat Chai Tea Latte

Copycat Starbucks Iced Pineapple Matcha Drink

DIY Starbucks Iced Cinnamon Dolce Latte

Best Starbucks CopyCat Double Chocolate Chip Frappe

DIY Starbucks Double Chocolate Chip Frappe Recipe
Starbucks Double Chocolate Chip Frappe DIY

No Source

Easy Homemade Starbucks Very Berry Hibiscus Refresher

Starbucks Raspberry Lime Refresher

CopyCat Starbucks Medicine Ball Tea

Starbucks CopyCat Lime Refresher

Starbucks Lime Refresher Recipe
Starbucks Copycat Lime Refresher

CopyCat Starbucks S’mores Frappuccino

Starbucks Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate

Copycat Starbucks Salted Caramel Frappuccino

Caramel Frappucino Starbucks Copycat
Copycat Starbucks Salted Caramel Frappuccino

Cinnamon Dolce Latte CopyCat Starbucks Drink

Starbucks CopyCat Cold Foam Cold Brew Coffee

CopyCat Starbucks Drinks Caramel Frappuccino

Cool Lime Refresher Starbucks CopyCat Drink

Better Than Starbucks Caramel Machiatto

Starbucks CopyCat Drinks Keto Pink Drink

CopyCat Starbucks Cotton Candy Refresher

Homemade Starbucks Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate

Peppermint Mocha Copycat Starbucks Recipe

Copycat Starbucks Mocha Frappuccino

Starbucks Mocha Frappuccino Copycat Drinks
Starbucks Mocha Frappuccino Copycat Drinks

Creamy Starbucks CopyCat Cinnamon Dolce Latte

Vanilla Bean Frappuccino Like Starbucks CopyCat Drinks

Starbucks CopyCat Drinks Milk and Cookies Frappuccino

Starbucks Milk and Cookies Frappuccino Copycat drink
Starbucks Milk and Cookies Frappuccino Copycat drink

CopyCat Starbucks Drinks Gingerbread Latte

Starbucks Green Tea Frappuccino Copycat Drink

Starbucks Copycat Drinks Green Tea Frappuccino
Starbucks Green Tea Frappuccino Copycat Drink

CopyCat Caramel Frappuccino Starbucks

Starbucks Caramel Apple Spice CopyCat Recipe

Copycat Starbucks Birthday Cake Frappuccino

Birthday Cake Frappuccino
Copycat Starbucks Birthday Cake Frappuccino
Copycat Starbucks Birthday Cake Frappuccino

Homemade Starbucks Drinks Caramel Ribbon Crunch

Homemade Starbucks Drinks Caramel Ribbon Crunch
Homemade Starbucks Drinks Caramel Ribbon Crunch

Double Chocolate Chip Frappe Starbucks Drink

Double Chocolate Chip Frappuccino Starbucks
Double Chocolate Chip Frape Homemade Starbucks Drinks

Soul Warming Starbucks Hot Chocolate

How to Make CopyCat Starbucks Hot Chocolate
Copycat Starbucks Hot Chocolate

Sweet Starbucks Cotton Candy Frappuccino

How to make a Copycat Starbucks Cotton Candy Frappuccino
Copycat Starbucks Cotton Candy Frappuccino

Berry Easy Starbucks Strawberry Frappuccino

Starbucks CopyCat Salted Caramel Cream Cold Brew

Homemade Pink Drink Just Like Starbucks

Iced Caramel Macchiato

Copycat Starbucks Iced Caramel Macchiato
CopyCat Starbucks Iced Caramel Macchiato

Iced Brown Sugar Oatmilk Shaken Espresso – Starbucks

Rose Gold Refresher From Starbucks

Fuzzy Peach Refresher From Starbucks

Starbucks Shirley Temple Refresher Secret Menu

Discussion: Would you consider making Starbucks coffee at home to save money?

Please leave me your comments below.

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