Couple Looking For $23,000 Watch Box Sold At Garage Sale

Estimated reading time: 7 minutes

Join the adventure of Eric and Racquel Cloutier as they search for the $23,000 watch box. Learn about the funny things people do during garage sales.

Couple Looking For $23,000 Watch Box Sold At Garage Sale
Couple Looking For $23,000 Watch Box Sold At Garage Sale

Somebody Has The Old Watch Box

Two people are hunting for the $23,000 box, and you might be the winner.

Since it’s Friday, this would be a great post about silly things people do since Saturday is typically a garage sale day around Canada and the USA.

Today, I’m sharing what I read about Eric and Racquel Cloutier from California because I enjoy reading stories about things that make you want to go.

This poor guy had the best intentions for his wife and children, but now he hopes that honesty will bring back his mistake and make it right.  

I’ve talked about safety items you can’t sell at a garage sale in Canada, and for good reason: a potential hazard and protecting children.

Then there was the post where I shared garage sale tips and another on pricing items at a garage sale.

Now I think I might need to write another post on what not to sell at a garage sale.

Also, why should you always ask other home occupants if selling something is OK?

You don’t want to be on the news like Eric, hoping someone does the right thing.

Husband Sold The Watch Box

What did he do?

He bought himself time in the corner, a spare bedroom, and a dog house.

Take your pick. I’m betting his wife was far from pleased with him.

While his wife was in hospital having their fifth child, he decided to sell items in the house that had collected dust.

What better time to host a garage sale than before bringing your new baby home?

Clutter does take up space, and with five children, space is at a premium for most families.

Typically, people go around their homes and pick out stuff that is useless to them.

When I say no value, it’s worth nothing or hasn’t been used and likely won’t get used shortly.

When you have items worth money, you let them rot or collect dust.

It’s comparable to leaving money on the ground and stepping on it instead of picking it up.

Hiding Cash And Valuables

Recently, I discussed five unusual places to stash your cash, but where should you NOT stash your cash?

Don’t make the same mistake as the woman in China who stashed $65,000 US in her dresser drawer only to find out six months later that termites ate it up.

Yes that did happen, can you imagine the horror opening up your secret stash of money only to find bits and pieces left of it.

I’d be horrified.

Please put it in a safety deposit box or invest it.

Don’t keep piles of money or very expensive items stashed around the house that easily could get lost or, in that case, eaten up.

Back to the story.

I seem to get off track when thinking of these odd stories I read on Yahoo while drinking my morning coffee.

Getting Ready For The Big Garage Sale

So Eric goes around the house with good intentions, picking out items he feels haven’t been used and can sell for cash.

He comes across this box, a watch box in the closet that he felt had been there for far too long.

According to the Yahoo article, a cheap price of ten dollars attracts a buyer instantly as it is worth between $120 and $130.

Hidden In The Old Watch Box

What was in the old watch box?

Yep, Eric sold his wife’s $23,000 wedding ring, oh that was bright alright now you’re in big trouble.

We’re not talking chump change here, either.

She hid the ring in a bottom compartment to protect it from their 2-year-old twins.

She is just not safe from her husband.

Honestly, if it were me, I’d give it back as it’s the right thing to do.

Reward For Lost Wedding Ring Sold In Watch Box At Garage Sale
Reward For Lost Wedding Ring Sold In Watch Box At Garage Sale

Reward For Missing Watch Box

Although he is offering a reward not relatively equal to $23,000, he is a plea to the lady who bought the valuable box with his wife’s wedding ring inside.

Any spouse would know this is a big deal, sentimental, and part of their union.

I will be optimistic and say that the lady buyer will do the right thing and return the wedding ring to this couple.

Costly Mistakes Happen

The story’s moral is that we all make mistakes, sometimes costly ones.

All we can do in life is learn from our mistakes, which helps us grow.

If the buyer turns around and says you sold it to me, tough-luck buddy, he just sold a box worth $23,000 for ten dollars.

He will have to live with that decision for the rest of his life.

I’m pretty sure he won’t be holding a garage sale on his own soon, though.

My advice, next time you plan to have a garage sale and you are in a relationship or live with others in the home, do it together.

If you have expensive items or cash in the house, ensure both of you know where they are hidden.

That’s the easiest way to stay out of trouble.

Always ensure to have your valuables insured and/or leave them in a lock box at the bank for higher security measures if you only use the item occasionally.

The price for these services might be worth it in the long run.

In short, if you stash cash or valuables, buy a fireproof safe that you can’t move or sell at a garage sale. 

That’s an excellent way to ensure no one gets their hands on it, not even your spouse.

I’m pretty sure insurance won’t cover this tragic loss, especially when he tells them that he accidentally sold his wife’s wedding ring at a garage sale.

He made a mistake, it happens let’s hope they both have a happy ending.

You can read the full story here.

Discussion: Have you ever accidentally sold something at a garage sale that was worth money?

Please leave any comments below.

Thanks for reading,



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