Top Ten Ways To Cut Your Grocery Budget

Estimated reading time: 7 minutes

Ten ways to save money on Your Grocery Budget? We’ve got you covered.

Get strategies such as letting coupons expire and not buying everything to help control your spending.

Looking back, the first four months of our grocery budget of the year were entirely out of control, but that was our fault.

Although we got amazing deals, we never stuck to the budget because we used coupons more than needed.

We went from spending over $500 monthly on groceries to our 2012 goal of $192.78.

Ten Ways To Cut Your Grocery Budget
Ten Ways To Save Money On Your Grocery Budget

Shopping To Meet Your Grocery Budget Expectations

We learned that it was OK to let coupons expire and that we didn’t need to get everything, even if it only required us to pay the tax.

You see, all those little amounts that seem like nothing at the time add up.

We can quickly meet this goal with only two people to feed.

The problem arises when there is a deal or a 20x Shoppers Optimum points event.

Related: How we earned over 4 million PC Optimum Points

We also like to keep our eyes peeled for discount stickers and reduce to clear shopping carts filled with discontinued products.

Over time, you will learn where grocery stores put all the marked-down items for sale in a store.

If you are someone who complains that you are spending too much money on food, you need to understand why first and then do something about it.

You can still eat healthy on a limited budget, depending on where you live in Canada, and I proved that when I challenged myself to live on $26 a week in the Welfare Food Challenge in 2012.

Don’t be a grocery store snob either because most shops, even discount grocery stores, carry the same products as the higher-end, pricier grocery stores.

If you don’t have a personal budget, you need one to document where all the money is going.

Cutting your grocery budget takes time and practice, and knowing your prices is also vital to saving money on groceries in Canada.

If you are in a relationship, you must work together for this to happen because putting all the work on one person is only setting the budget up to fail.

Determining how much your grocery budget should be based on your health and lifestyle will lead you to savings you never thought possible.

Top 10 Ways To Cut Your Grocery Budget

Learn how to moderate your grocery budget with efficient tips from our journey. We cut our expenditure from $500 to $192 in only 4 months.

Track Your Grocery Expenses

Play The Grocery Game Challenge each week here at Canadian Budget Binder.

Join other fans who have reduced their grocery budget by posting their shop.

Tracking your grocery expenses lets you know where your money goes monthly.

Get In And Get Out Early Or Late

Shop early in the morning or later in the evening when it’s quiet, allowing you to focus on the task.

We find the best deals early in the morning or late at night before a shop closes.

Never rush when you grocery shop.

Never Shop Hungry

Eat before you grocery shop because we eat with our senses, and grocery stores market to our weaknesses.

If we don’t eat before, everything looks tasty and becomes potential bait for overspending.

Shop With A Grocery List

Plan your grocery shop with a list to avoid being tempted into putting extras into your shopping cart.

We like to search the flyers to see what is on sale to plan our weekly meals.

Avoid The Aisles

Stick to the outer limits of the grocery store if possible.

We like to cook from scratch with fresh meats and vegetables, so staying away from the centre aisles keeps us from temptation.

Sometimes, you must go down these aisles, so stick to the plan!

Reduced Foods Save You Money

Check all the Cheap/Discount racks for deals with FlashFood App for up to 75% off the regular price.

The first place we head is the discount racks at the grocery store.

Typically, these are located around the store’s perimeter, which is helpful as we avoid the aisles if we can.

Get to know where your favourite grocery stores keep their reduced racks, and don’t forget the freezers or bunkers.

Also, keep an eye out for reduced product stickers or % off stickers.

Know Your Grocery Store Prices

Learning the regular pricing on products helps you make better choices as a consumer.

It helps to know the regular price so you instantly know whether you are getting a good deal.

Use the Flipp App, and grocery store flyers to document your favourite products and track the prices using a grocery price book.

Reduce Grocery Store Visits

Shop three weeks out of the month and eat only what you have for the last week.

We decided to put temptation on the shelf for one week a month to cut down on unnecessary purchases.

Bulk Buying

Buying bulk when foods are on sale is a fantastic way to stockpile and save.

If it’s a good sale, and I know it won’t go on sale for a while, we will buy in bulk.

If we can pair the sale with a coupon, it’s a no-brainer for us.

Coupons, Cashback and Rewards

Use coupons and points programs.

Whenever possible, use Canadian coupons with flyer specials on any reduced products.

We also like to take advantage of the many points programs available.

Checkout51 is a cashback app for Canadians that you can use to get additional savings on everyday products, including alcohol.

Wrong Price Scanning Code

Scanning Code of Practice (SCOP)is a process that every Canadian needs to be aware of.

Have you ever had an item scan higher than what it read on the shelf?

If so, and the store participates in SCOP, that item could either be free or $10.00 cheaper than you should pay.

Look for signs at store entry ways and at the cash where you scan your debit and credit cards.

Final Thoughts About Grocery Shopping Tips

Overall, these are some of the best ways that we feel you can cut your grocery budget.

It takes a mindful shopper who plans and sets goals to eat a balanced diet for the least amount of money.

Question: What other tips do you have for cutting your Grocery Budget?


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