Customer Satisfaction: The Key To Business Success

Estimated reading time: 11 minutes

Discover the importance of customer satisfaction in today’s competitive market. Learn how it affects business success and why it’s critical to retaining loyal customers.

Customer Satisfaction Is The Key To Business Success
Customer Satisfaction Is The Key To Business Success

Making A Customer Happy

The war of gaining customers and customer satisfaction is not new but has undoubtedly become a war between introducing products and pricing.

Every week, customers like you and I read about what the next shop does to satisfy and draw us in.

One example is participating in the Scanning Code Of Practice, a program that is not mandatory for businesses but builds customer satisfaction.

Customer Experience, Customer Satisfaction

A recent post about “Lost Business Identity” highlighted how almost all fast-food restaurants now serve breakfast, lunch, and dinner with the same items.

Some go a step further and keep adding more and more to the list.

What used to be fast service is taking forever, thus reducing customer satisfaction, meaning we go elsewhere.

Related: How To Run A Successful Business Without Losing Your Identity

Businesses Build Up, Not Down

While reading Facebook the other day, fans of Tim Hortons had their say about what product they wanted the famous coffee and donut chain to bring back.

Related: Copycat Tim Hortons Restaurant Recipes To Make At Home

It was no big deal to me as everything was new, but I wanted to read what the customers had to say.

What I kept reading was not so much about the product but about good customer service, quality products, and going back to basics.

It was then I realized that I wasn’t dreaming and some customers might not want these stores to add more to the menu continually.

One customer even suggested a coffee-only line because it’s taking too long to pick up a coffee or wait in the drive-thru.

Coming from the UK, I have never used the drive-thru and would instead go to the shop.

Customers’ satisfaction is parking my vehicle, getting out, and walking into the shop for speedy, quality service.

Quick Service Doesn’t Always Mean Customer Satisfaction

The other day, I saw a fast food employee talking on the phone while making a product for a customer. But why?

Multitasking is a big deal in getting the product out fast, but in this case, it should have been a big no-no.

Even good customer service skills were shot out the window, but no one complained, not even me.

I’m not sure if I’m just getting used to seeing this kind of service or if I give up.

It wasn’t Tim Hortons that I was at, but another reputable business in Canada.

Honestly, I was floored watching this happen.

Nowhere in sight did I see those famous comment cards, but I bet if I went online, I’d find a way to send in my comments.

There was no point saying anything to the manager, who watched him just the same.

I won’t go back, but you can bet I’ll let them know how that made me feel as a customer.

They need to see if they plan to survive the war of the fast food chains.

Customers Love Rewards And Free Stuff

We all know that Galen G. Weston from Loblaw’s took over pharmacy giant Shoppers Drug Mart recently, and conveniently, the Shoppers Optimum Program has been revamped.

Unsurprisingly, Canadians love earning reward points to get free groceries.

They are on the right track, with more savings and building customer satisfaction.

Each week, I load the products online that Loblaw presents to me because they know I purchase or have purchased.

After all, technology is a tell-all of what we buy, and stores know that brand loyalty is a big deal.

If businesses can continue to motivate customers to return, they will entice them with savings and free stuff.

It’s no different with Shoppers Drug Mart because we get weekly emails with products we purchase using the app.

I’m not complaining about that; we love to save money.

Related: Top 2024 Grocery Store Apps Programs

Technology Never Forgets It’s Manners

The other day, the Home Depot self-checkout asked if we wanted our receipt sent via email rather than printed. 

At first, we thought that was a great way to save money on paper and that it was good for the environment.

We all know it’s to get our email address and a foot in the door of our spending habits.

This is the norm; email addresses are the golden ticket for any business to build a mailing list.

We are creating this because we keep buying into the programs, so the shops compete against each other to gain loyal customers while focusing on customer satisfaction.

Besides, technology can be programmed always to say what the customer wants to hear.

Merging Of Business Models

About a month ago, I saw PC chocolate chip cookies show up at Shoppers Drug Mart in our area.

We also noticed a table set up with PC Organics baby food, which began the introduction of PC products.

That seemed fair since they bought the business, so why not bring in some of their products?

Honestly, I wasn’t surprised to learn that sales for food and convenience products at Shoppers Drug Mart hit 1 billion dollars or 10 percent of sales last year.

With the popularity of the Shoppers Optimum Program and the cheap price of milk and eggs, I can understand.

The funny thing is milk, which drove traffic in Shoppers Drug Mart stores, is now the same price everywhere.

It will always be a competition because that’s what business is about.

Competitive prices and customer satisfaction drive traffic and increase revenue.

One-Stop Shopping For Customer Satisfaction

Shoppers Drug Mart will begin a pilot program in some Toronto stores to include hot and fresh products to see if the customers prefer this convenience.

Immediately, I thought of Giant Tiger, who sells clothes, fruits, vegetables, dairy, etc.

Canadian Tire tried to sell food, but from what I can tell, the stores we visit no longer offer cheese, lunch meat, bread, and frozen foods.

Wal-Mart is a one-stop shop, and Canadians dove right in, so why shouldn’t Shoppers Drug Mart follow suit?

I don’t know how well it will work out for shoppers Drug Mart, but risk often takes a business to the next level of competition.

However, losing a business identity might come at a hefty price, as some customers don’t want the all-in-one stores on every corner.

Although, some customers prefer the convenience of not wasting time going from shop to shop.

It would be nice to have price matching in all of Loblaw’s stores, but I don’t think this will ever happen.

I wouldn’t be shocked to see Shoppers Drug Mart grow to include even more of what we see at Loblaw’s on a smaller scale.

Stay True To Business Roots

Eventually, the small mom-and-pop shops may suffer even more, but maybe not if they stick to their true identity.

Sure, change is inevitable for any business, but how far are we willing to go to dominate the market for customer satisfaction?

Discussion: How can businesses increase customer satisfaction?

Please leave your comments below.

Thanks for reading,


CBB At Home And Blog

Thankfully, lots of things got done around here this week.

We purchased giant ferns, which are reasonably priced at $14.97 each.

We’ve decided to limit the hanging baskets this season, with three being ferns and four with flowers.

The lime tree has flowers and limes all over it, so we are anxious to see what that brings us this year.

Our chives and the mint, basil, and parsley are also doing very well.

With all this rain, I haven’t gotten out to the backyard yet, but I’ll get there eventually.

Renovations Update

I also completed ordering all the parts to install the central vac and floor vents this week.

I’m sure it will be arriving this week, so I’ll have to get going on installing that.

We also ordered our bathroom vanities and received a 20% discount, which was great.

There will be more to purchase for the bathroom renovations, impacting our budget.

You’ll begin to see a drop in our overall net worth, but that’s fine because we are raising the value of our home.

I’ll be doing our net worth update this coming week to show you where we are and what we may be doing moving forward.

Cheap Night Out

Besides that, we got out and watched a movie on the cheap night this week.

Mrs. CBB found a gift card in her drawer and got another discount with her scene card, so it was a cheap night at the movies…under $2.

It’s nice to enjoy a nice night out with your significant other, whether a movie or simply spending time together.

Weekly CBB Posts

If you missed any CBB posts from the week, here is the list of posts you can catch up on reading!

Frugal Fan Deals Of The Week

Today, Canadian Budget Binder reader Katrina shares her deals for the week.

Old Navy clothes deals

Old Navy- Deal #1

  • Batman t-shirt: The regular price is $14.94. The clearance price is $7.99, ringing in at $3.47
  • Workout tank top: The regular price is $16.94, but I paid $8.94.
  • Leggings-2 pairs: The regular Price is $14.94. The clearance price is $1.97
  • 2 little toy airplanes (not in picture): Regular $1.50: Sale price $0.90

The regular price total would have been $69.78 for the above product but I paid $19.91 with a total savings of $49.87 or 29%.

payless shoes

Payless Shoes– Deal #2

  • Sandals Regular price $24.99: Sale price $14.99
  • Runners Regular price $29.99: Sale Price $9.00
  • After Buy one, get one 50% off $4.50
  • The regular price would have been $57.73 for the above, but I paid $25.19 with a total savings of $32.54 or 44%.

Google Search Terms

kermit the frog
Google Search Terms for Canadian Budget Binder

Thousands of people visit Canadian Budget Binder every week because they have done an online search and found my blog.

The spelling errors below are because I shared how they typed their search engine query to land on my blog.

Here are a few of my favorite searches that may have brought you here, and you’re reading this now.

  • I want OSAP to stop taking money from my account– I am sorry to say that when you owe a debt, you owe it unless you plan to pay it from a different account or pay it in full. Then you need to make a phone call.
  • Where to cut money– Ha, I would never cut money. I don’t know about you. I know what they mean, though.
  • Why do I pee and get up at 4:16 in the morning.. could I be pregnant? 50/50 if you ask me, but people usually need to pee.
  • When a man cooks, it turns on a woman– You might need more than that.
  • How does smoking affect your budget- Sometimes the obvious isn’t so obvious.

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