Frugal Ways To Say I Love You This Valentine’s Day

man with valentine's day balloon



February 14 may be Valentine’s Day but that doesn’t mean you have to break the bank to say, I LOVE YOU. Valentine’s Day is one of the most commercialized times of year next to Christmas in my opinion.

Romance is in the air this time of year and when you walk into any shop you will know why. Everything from chocolates, fragrances, jewellery,  lingerie, sexy lotions and potions to unique Valentine’s Day gifts such as furry slippers and cupid shaped candles scream at you to buy me, buy me, I’m the one.

Personally we don’t bust the budget on Valentine’s Day because every day is a special day in our relationship. Yes, OK it sounds cheesy but it’s true. That doesn’t mean we can’t plan something romantic for each other. If your woman says she doesn’t want anything for Valentine’s Day, don’t take it literally, do something or risk her heart being broken even if is a hand-written note.

In my experience, I’ve found some women anxiously await what their significant-other has planned for them; but wait a minute, Valentine’s is not just for women. I wonder if women realize how stressful it can be for a man to pick out the right gift, very! Likely why my wife has made me the happiest man alive, easy-going, no stress and I love her!

Although to be fair many women get just as excited to tell the man in their life how much they care and want to do something as special. Nowadays you can even find Valentine’s gift baskets for him and her which I think are a sexy great idea, even better if you can make them and fill them up yourself. Think of the money you can save personalizing a gift basket with items you know your partner will actually use better yet, use together.

We generally save money all year in our projected expenses account through our family budget for special occasions and this one is no exception. As a couple we plan to do something together on Valentine’s like going out on a hot date even if it is just dressing up and going for a walk arm in arm sipping a white hot chocolate from Tim Hortons.

Related: Free Money Saving Tools (free budget)

We also plan something special and frugal behind the scenes as a surprise for each other. I’ve learned over the years that the wife does not like flowers for Valentine’s Day as she feels they are a waste of money if you can’t get at least some time to enjoy their beauty.

That hasn’t stopped me from laying rose petals that I’ve found at the dollar store trailing up the stairs into to the bedroom, onto the bed. The red and white candles were lit and soft music was playing in the background with the light scent of cinnamon filling the air.

I mean, are you really smelling the roses at the point where you are both standing arm in arm in the bedroom staring into each others eyes? Probably, far from it as you are enjoying the company of someone you are deeply in love with. I’m sure you are more interested in what’s happening next than what’s happening with the freshness of your flowers.

Of course you could place an ad on Kijiji to see if anyone has any roses or other flowers from a one night gala, celebration, wedding or birthday they are selling for your “love project“. You might be surprised to see that someone is willing to sell them off just to recoup some of the money they spent, flowers ain’t cheap. Remember your wedding day? Ok, you can stop laughing now but a rose is a rose, is it not?

I’m just saying that you never know what’s out there. My wife would prefer a garden full of roses rather than a bouquet of red roses once a year that would last a few days and cost me at least one hundred dollars and then some. I make it a priority to make sure that every summer she gets her roses and a multitude of other flowers to compliment our landscaping. That way she can enjoy them for months and I get a happy wife.

Not all couples are the same and what works for one might not work for another. You know your partner so finding the right gift for the right price all boils down to what displays your affection the best. For some it’s with a gift for others it’s with a kiss.

You don’t have to run out looking specifically for cheap Valentine’s gifts but if you use your imagination you can enjoy a sexy night the frugal way. Don’t be afraid to look online for coupons, coupon codes or in your local flyers because there’s no shame in saving money when shopping for a gift. Since we both have optimum cards we have used Shoppers Drug Mart Optimum points in the past in order to redeem for cologne, fragrances and make-up for $0 cost.

In 2010 Canada produced a whopping 12 million stems of roses or one million dozen roses, according to Stats Canada. Did you know that red roses cost the most amount of money during the Valentine’s holiday?  Opting for a mix of different colour roses and alternate type flowers in the arrangement might be a frugal option?  Don’t forget to check online to see if there are any coupon codes for flowers as well. If you can save a couple bucks or free delivery why not.

What do the different colour roses mean? 

  • Red- symbolic of love and steamy passion and the most popular of roses, Hot, Hot, Hot!
  • Yellow– symbolize friendship and joy
  • Blue- symbolizes mystery
  • Orange-symbolizes desire, passion and enthusiasm
  • Pink – Symbolize admiration, joy and appreciation
  • Whitesymbolizes purity, innocence and honour
  • Lavender-symbolizes love at first sight


Frugal Ways that Say I Love You on Valentine’s Day


Romantic Candle Centrepiece Valentine's Day

  • Design a centerpiece with a red candle, rose petals, and tea lights which you can use for a romantic dinner or any other place in your home where you want to exude the romantic ambience
  • A handwritten poem with words spoken from the heart is always a romantic touch

homemade marmalade Valentines Day for him

  • Get Crafty and make something special for the Man of The House like this jar of marmalade found at Kate’s Creative Space

valentines dinner ideas

  • Create a Frugal Holiday Dinner Table fit for a romantic, fun evening of good food like at The Beauty and Brains

I can't smile without you

  • A toothbrush with a special Valentine’s Note “I Can’t Smile Without You, Happy Valentine’s Day”  is simple, quirky yet romantic at best found at Pinterest

heart rolls cinnamon rolls Valentine's Day

Mr.CBB's Valentine's Orange Ricotta Pound Cake
Mr.CBB’s Valentine’s Orange Ricotta Pound Cake

A simple note to say I love you

For me the best Valentine’s Day Gift is being able to simply say, I love you, I’m in love with you and there’s a special place in my heart for you.  Sounds easy, but I am just like every other man who will go out of his way choosing a gift or trying to put something together even if it is writing a Valentine’s Poem or sending a Valentine’s e-card just to make her smile a little more than she already brightens my day every day.

Discussion Question:

What are some frugal ways you say I love you to that special person in your life?

Do you have a story or a question you’d like to share on CBB? Email me at [email protected]

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